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Affordable French uPVC Doors

Affordable French uPVC Doors: Why Our Profile 22 PVC French Door is Your Best Bet

Affordable French uPVC Doors

Profile 22 PVC French Door

When it comes to enhancing the aesthetic and functional appeal of your home, Affordable French uPVC doors stand out as a popular choice among homeowners. If you're looking for a combination of affordability, durability, and style, look no further than our Profile 22 PVC French doors

Affordable French uPVC Doors

Why Choose Affordable French Doors?

Choosing affordable French uPVC doors doesn't mean you have to compromise on quality or style. Suitable for residential, new build, refurbishment and commercial projects, the Profile 22 PVC-U French Door has been designed for straightforward fabrication and hassle-free fitting on site.

These affordable french uPVC doors provide the same classic appeal as traditional French doors but at a fraction of the cost, making them accessible to a wider range of homeowners.

Benefits of PVC French Doors

PVC French doors are gaining popularity due to their numerous advantages over traditional wooden or metal doors. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Durability: One of the primary reasons homeowners opt for PVC French doors is their durability. Unlike wood, PVC does not warp, rot, or require frequent maintenance. Our Profile 22 French doors are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, ensuring they remain in top condition for years.

  2. Affordability: PVC is a cost-effective material, making these doors an affordable option for homeowners. The initial investment is lower compared to other materials, and the long-lasting nature of PVC means you save on maintenance and replacement costs in the long run.

  3. Low Maintenance: PVC French doors are incredibly easy to maintain. A simple wipe down with soapy water is all it takes to keep them looking new. This makes them a practical choice for busy homeowners.

Why our Profile 22 French Doors?

Our Profile 22 French doors are specifically engineered to meet the highest standards of quality and performance. 

Advanced Design 

The Profile 22 system incorporates advanced design features that enhance the door’s strength and security. This ensures that you have durable French doors that provide peace of mind.

The dedicated floating mullion allows doors to be fully opened without the need for a central bar and is self-holding on the first fix, so it can be easily clipped in, making the installation a fast and simple process.

Aesthetic Appeal

The Profile 22 French Door can be configured to open inwards or outwards and in combination with fixed lights. Low threshold options are available as are open-out options for fire or safety doors. The affordable French uPVC Door is suitable for off-the-shelf hardware as well as high security options, so you can deliver a solution that is as secure as required.

These affordable French uPVC doors also come in a wide variety of colour finishes as well as handle & hinge options to match the rest of your house and exteriors. 

Affordable French uPVC Doors

The Sustainable Choice

Our Profile 22 French doors are designed with energy efficiency in mind. The excellent insulation properties of PVC help keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, reducing your energy bills. With a highly efficient U Value of 1.2 W/m²K, these sleek french doors are available in: 

Double Glazed: 24mm or 28mm toughened safety glass.


Triple Glazed: 36mm, 40mm, or 44mm with recycled composite inserts for improved thermal performance without krypton fills.

French Doors for Homeowners

For homeowners, the decision to install French doors is often driven by the desire to improve both the interior and exterior of their home. Profile 22 French doors offer a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces, allowing for plenty of natural light and an open, airy feel. These doors are perfect for patios, balconies, and even as stylish room dividers.

Cost-effective and Long-lasting

Investing in Profile 22 PVC French doors is a wise decision for those seeking cost-effective French doors that do not compromise on quality. These doors are built to last, providing long-term value for your money. The combination of affordability, durability, and aesthetic appeal makes them an excellent choice for any homeowner.

Affordable French uPVC Doors

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are PVC French doors secure?

A: Yes, our Profile 22 PVC French doors are designed with advanced security features, ensuring they provide excellent protection for your home.

Q: How do I maintain PVC French doors?

A: Maintaining PVC French doors is simple. Regular cleaning with a soft cloth and mild soapy water is usually sufficient to keep them looking new.

Q: What does U Value mean?

A: The U-value, also known as thermal transmittance, is the rate of transfer of heat through the glass. It is measured as watts per square meter Kelvin or W/m²K. The better the insulation, the lower the U-value is.

Q: How long until my French doors can be delivered?

A: Our current lead time for the Profile 22 French Doors is 2 to 3 weeks from order.

Q: Can I customise the design of Profile 22 French doors?

A: Yes, Profile 22 French doors come in a variety of styles and finishes, allowing you to choose a design that complements your home’s decor. Further customisation is also available. Simply contact a member of our team for a custom quote at 

In conclusion, if you’re in the market for affordable, durable, and stylish French doors, our Profile 22 PVC French doors are your best bet. They offer the perfect combination of cost-effectiveness, long-lasting quality, and aesthetic appeal, making them an excellent investment for any homeowner.

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