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Traditional Aluminium Patio Doors

Traditional Aluminium Patio Doors: Visofold 1000 Heritage Bifolds

Traditional Aluminium Patio Doors

Visofold 1000 Heritage Bifolds

Traditional Aluminium Patio Doors

In the realm of home improvement and design, finding the perfect balance between aesthetics, functionality, and durability can be a challenge. For homeowners seeking to maintain a classic look while benefiting from modern technology, traditional aluminium patio doors are an ideal solution. Among the many options available, the Visofold 1000 Heritage Bifold doors stand out as a premier choice. Let’s delve into why these aluminium bifold doors are considered some of the best bifold doors for homes.

Why Choose our Visofold 1000 Heritage Bifold Doors?

Traditional aluminium patio doors offer a blend of timeless elegance and robust construction. They bring a touch of classic style to your home while providing the durability and low maintenance that modern aluminium doors are known for. The sleek design of aluminium bifold doors ensures that they not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but also improve its functionality by allowing for expansive views and easy access to outdoor spaces.

1. Classic Style Meets Modern Performance

Steel-look bifold doors exude a sense of sophistication and elegance with their sleek, minimalistic design and slender metal frames that will add a touch of industrial chic to any space, be it a traditional home or a contemporary loft. The distinctive grid pattern created by the slender frames lends a sense of visual interest and architectural charm to both the interior and exterior of your property. 

The large glass panels allow sunlight to permeate every corner of your home, creating an inviting and airy atmosphere. By maximizing natural light, these doors make your living spaces feel more spacious, vibrant, and welcoming. 

2. Superior Durability

One of the most significant advantages of these patio doors is their durability. Made from high-quality aluminium and coated in quality polyester powder, Visofold 1000 Heritage Bifold doors are designed to withstand the elements. Unlike wooden doors, which can warp or rot over time, these durable aluminium doors require minimal maintenance and offer a long lifespan.

These Traditional Aluminium Patio Doors offer exceptional versatility and functionality. Customisable to fit a wide range of openings and taste, the bifold mechanism allows the panels to neatly fold away, providing an unobstructed view and easy access to the outdoors.

Traditional Aluminium Patio Doors

3. Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is a crucial consideration for any home improvement project. Visofold 1000 Heritage Bifold doors are designed with energy efficiency in mind. 

The robust aluminium frames provide excellent thermal insulation, helping to keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer. The advanced glazing options available, such as double or triple glazing, enhance energy efficiency by reducing heat transfer and minimizing drafts.

By reducing your reliance on artificial lighting and HVAC systems, these traditional aluminium patio doors contribute to energy savings and eco-friendly living. Our heritage bifold doors have a U-value as low as 1.3W/m2K.

4. Versatility and Customization

These heritage bifold doors are available in a variety of configurations and finishes, allowing you to customize them to suit your home’s unique style and needs. Whether you prefer a traditional look or a more contemporary finish, Visofold 1000 Heritage Bifold doors can be tailored to meet your preferences.

Our Visofold 1000 Heritage Bifolds come with a 132mm sightlines. Each leaf can be up to 1200mm wide and 2100mm high. They have 25mm horizontal astragal bars dividing the single sealed unit into sections.

Available in up to 6 sections, you can also choose from a variety of colour finishes including black, white and anthracite grey. Handle and hinge also come in both black and chrome finishes.  

5. Easy Operation and Security

Certified to the advancedPAS 24: 2012 standard, All our bifold doors feature a Ultion (diamond accredited) Cylinder as std.- multi-point locking, a highly effective multi-point locking systems in addition to hand-thrown locking bolts.

In addition to their aesthetic and energy-saving benefits, these doors are designed for smooth operation and enhanced security. The precision engineering ensures that the doors glide effortlessly, while robust locking mechanisms provide peace of mind.

Traditional Aluminium Patio Doors

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long until myVisofold 1000 Heritage Bifold doors can be delivered?

A: The lead time for the Visofold 1000 Heritage Bifold doors is 3 to 4 weeks from order.

Q: Can Visofold 1000 Heritage Bifold doors be customized?

A: Yes, the Visofold 1000 Heritage Bifold come in a variety of styles and finishes, allowing you to choose a design that complements your home’s decor. Further customisation is also available. Simply contact a member of our team for a custom quote at 

Q: Why is PAS 24 : 2012  security regulations important?

A: Investing in a external patio bifold doors that meet thePAS 24 : 2012 security regulations means you can be sure that the doors you buy has been tried, tested and approved by professionals. It is your guarantee that these doors can be considered secure enough to use in your house. 

Q: What does U Value mean?

A: TheU-value, also known as thermal transmittance, is the rate of transfer of heat through the glass. It is measured as watts per square meter Kelvin or W/m²K. The better the insulation, the lower the U-value is.


For homeowners looking to blend traditional aesthetics with modern functionality, the Visofold 1000 Heritage Bifold doors offer an excellent solution. These traditional aluminium patio doors provide the best of both worlds – the timeless elegance of classic design and the superior performance of durable, energy-efficient materials. Whether you are renovating an older home or building a new one, these aluminium bifold doors will enhance your living space with style and practicality. Invest in Visofold 1000 Heritage Bifold doors and experience the perfect fusion of heritage charm and modern innovation.

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