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Covid-19 Updates

Covid-19 Updates

Covid-19 Update 01.12.21

Following the recent Government announcement that face coverings are mandatory in all shops in England, unless you have a valid exemption, customers are required to wear a face covering in all HBG branches.

When visiting our branches, please continue to be mindful of others, allow sensible distance between yourself and others and follow safety measures that may still be in place such as using the available hand sanitiser. Our collective responsibility is to keep our customers, colleagues and the communities we serve as safe as possible.

For branches in Scotland and Wales, please continue to adhere to the measures we have in place, including wearing a face covering which continues to be required and following all social distancing and hygiene guidelines

In addition, we’ll also continue to follow the below measures to ensure safe deliveries:

We will always contact you before delivery to make sure that your circumstances haven’t changed and that the site is safe to deliver to the easing of restrictions, all deliveries will now need to been signed for and photographed as proof of delivery. All deliveries will now follow the latest government guidelines following the removal of the 1m+ social distancing guidance. All of your paperwork will be taped to pallets / goods on your delivery.

Ways to shop with us

We have a variety of options available to you when it comes to getting the materials you need.

In branch

We will welcome you into our supplier network branches, within the safe guidelines outlined, to collect the materials you need.

Online at

Simply order your materials online using your smartphone, tablet or PC for delivery on to site.


Our delivery service means we can deliver straight to your site.

*On stocked items only.

Product Availability Update

Many supply chains have seen large disruption over the past few months and we are working closely with manufacturers and suppliers to ensure you can get the materials you need.

We would like to thank our customers, colleagues and suppliers for their support and patience through these very difficult times and ask you respect and adhere to these processes. 

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